Learning Quality: Hybrid Methods for Medical Students


  • R. Sri Ayu Indrapuri Universitas Awal Bros
  • Ulfa Maulidi Arkan Universitas Awal Bros
  • Zerry Supanda Universitas Awal Bros

Kata Kunci:

learning quality, hybrid methods, medical students


The goal of this study was to determine how health students in Pekanbaru City were assessed regarding the implementation of the hybrid learning method. The Kano model was used as the research model. The participants in this study were all Pekanbaru City Health Students. The questionnaire method was used to collect samples in this study. Based on the responses of the respondents, there are two attributes: Indifferent (attributes that exist or do not exist have no effect on student satisfaction) as many as 13 indicators, and reverse (satisfaction level is inversely proportional to performance results) up to two indicators. There are no indicators that need to be improved or maintained based on the results of data collection, processing, and analysis. Furthermore, while there are no mandatory indicators (that must be met), the implementation of the hybrid learning method requires certain improvements and improvements in several indicators, so that health students are satisfied with the hybrid learning method.


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Cara Mengutip

Indrapuri, R. S. A. ., Arkan, U. M. ., & Supanda, Z. (2022). Learning Quality: Hybrid Methods for Medical Students. EJIP : Educational Journal of Innovation and Publication, 1(2), 51–55. Diambil dari https://ejournal.periexca.org/index.php/ejip/article/view/ejip20


