Islamic Education for Teenagers: The Role of Parents
Kata Kunci:
Islamic education; teenagers; role and parentsAbstrak
The goal of this research was to identify and describe the role of parents in providing Islamic education to adolescents in Embong Panjang Village, Lebong Tengah District, Lebong Regency. This is a field research method because the data obtained are based on facts in the field qualitatively with 25 subjects consisting of 12 children, 10 parents, 1 mosque imam, 1 Koran teacher, and 1 head of RT 2. Techniques for gathering data include observation, interviews, and documentation. According to the findings of this study, parents teach religious education to their teenagers by doing things like teaching teenagers to pray 5 times a day, giving examples of good morals to their children, giving advice to teenagers, and punishing teenagers if they make a mistake. Parents should also teach their children to say goodbye first if they want to leave. This has become a habit for teenagers, so that if they are going to say goodbye to their parents, they do so first.
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