Healthy Canteen Management at State Elementary School
Kata Kunci:
healthy canteen; management and school canteenAbstrak
The purpose of this research is to explain the management of a healthy canteen at state elementary school (SDN) 43 Seluma. This study takes a qualitative approach and employs a case study design. The principal of the teacher is the research’s data source. school canteen vendors, student guardians, and students Data was gathered through observation techniques, interviews, and documentation studies. The data analysis technique was carried out in stages, including data reduction, data presentation, and verification or conclusion drawing. The study’s findings show that: (1) the planning process for healthy canteens is carried out in stages, beginning with the identification of the need for healthy canteen services and progressing to the establishment of a schedule for healthy canteen activities; (2) organizing a healthy canteen is carried out by naming the person in charge of canteen management; (3) the implementation of a healthy canteen is managed by the school and the canteen keeper; and (4) healthy canteen supervision will be carried out both internally by the school and externally by involving stakeholders such as community Health centers (Puskesmas).
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