The Impact of Teacher Personality Competence on Class V Student Morals
Kata Kunci:
Morals, Personality Competence, Students, TeachersAbstrak
The goal of this study is to see how teacher personality competence affects student morale. A quantitative ex post facto approach is used in this method. This study was carried out in grade 5 at SD Muhammadiyah 14 Palembang. Questionnaires, interviews, and documentation were used to collect data for the study. The techniques used for data analysis are descriptive analysis and inferential analysis. The findings of this study suggest that a teacher's personality competence has an impact on students' morals. The lowest questionnaire score of the teacher's personality competency (X) is 45, and the highest score is 50, with a total sample (N) of 15 people (teachers). The lowest questionnaire score from student morals (Y) is 45, and the highest score is 50, with a total sample (N) of 25 people (students). The total value of variable X(X) is 1,205, the total value of variable Y(Y) is 1,212, the total value of variable X multiplied by variable Y (XY) is 58,412, the total value of variable X squared (X2) is 58,165, and the total value of variable Y squared (Y2) is 58,800. The value of the designation of the influence of variable X (teacher's personality competence) and variable Y (students' morals) obtained rcount of 0.99 can be classified as "high". As a result, the teacher's personality competence has a significant influence on the morals of grade 5 students at SD Muhammadiyan 14 Palembang.
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