Creativity of Al Islam and Muhammadiyah Teachers in Increasing Student Learning Activeness
Kata Kunci:
creativity of teachers, student learning activenessAbstrak
The teacher is a motivator in learning, to be a creative teacher of course a teacher can package creative learning, and a creative teacher can be used as an example for other teachers. This study aims to determine the creativity of Al Islam Ke-muhammadiyahan teachers to increase active learning for students, and to determine the supporting and inhibiting factors and the teacher's efforts. The purpose of this study was to determine the creativity of Al Islam and Muhammadiyah teachers, to determine the inhibiting and supporting factors, as well as the teacher's efforts to increase student learning activeness. The method used in this study is qualitative, the tools used in data collection are observation, interviews, and documentation. The results of the first research showing that the creativity of Al Islam and Ke-Muhammadiyahan teachers is quite good for the form of the invention using varied learning media and methods which are made by the teacher himself and adapted to the learning material. The two inhibiting factors are incomplete facilities and infrastructure in schools and the supporting factors are the ability of teachers and books in schools. Then the teacher's efforts to increase the activeness of learning is to motivate students first before learning begins.
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