Learning the Book of Muta'allim Ta'lim has an Impact on Santri Morals
Islamic Boarding School, Morals, Muta’allim Ta’lim BookAbstract
This study intends to help students grasp and master the material in the book of Ta'lim al-muta'allim as part of the learning process in Islamic boarding schools, and to apply it in daily life. This is a quantitative research method that use data in the form of numbers with various categories, such as average values, percentages, maximum values, and others. Based on the findings of the study, it is possible to conclude that: (1) learning the Book of Ta'lim Muta'alim Against the Morals of Santri is done quite well; (2) the majority of the morals possessed by the Santri are good morals; and (3) there is an effect of learning the muta'alim ta'lim book on the morals of the santri.
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