LAZISMU Prabumulih’s Public Relations Strategy in Increasing the Amount of Zakat


  • Purmansyah Ariadi Universitas Muhammadiyah Palembang
  • Dedi Irawan Universitas Muhammadiyah Palembang
  • Rulitawati Rulitawati Universitas Muhammadiyah Palembang


Public Relations, Strategy, Zakat


There are numerous amil zakat institutions in Indonesia, including both national/government-owned and privately owned zakat institutions. This is something competitive for its managers due to the large number of amil zakat institutions. This is done to entice donors to fulfill their obligations by donating or entrusting their ZISWAF funds to the appropriate amil zakat institution. The presence of public relations in an institution is required to increase public trust. Public relations serve as a bridge of relationship or communication between the community and businesses/institutions, both internally and externally. The descriptive method with a qualitative approach was used in this study to produce descriptive data in the form of speech or writing and the behavior of people observed using data collection methods such as observation, interviews, and documentation. The first research finding, Lazismu public relations strategy to increase zakat, is to use advertising media as a medium for delivering information in Lazismu Prabumulih. Second, you can help Lazismu Prabumulih by pressuring the Muhammadiyah Business Charity (AUM) and Muhammadiyah residents in Prabumulih City to distribute zakat through Lazismu Prabumulih. Third, Lazismu Prabumulih’s problems in increasing the amount of zakat are caused by two factors: internal factors, such as a lack of volunteers, and external factors, such as volunteers who make Lazismu less effective in raising funds and distributing zakat and infaq funds. External factors, such as trust issues, contribute to muzakki’s lack of trust in Lazismu.


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How to Cite

Ariadi, P., Irawan, D., & Rulitawati, R. (2023). LAZISMU Prabumulih’s Public Relations Strategy in Increasing the Amount of Zakat. EJIP : Educational Journal of Innovation and Publication, 2(3), 181–188. Retrieved from