Philological Approach in Islamic Studies


  • Muhammad Mukhtar Unversitas Ma’arif Lampung (UMALA), Indonesia
  • Ridwan Sururi Universitas Ma’arif Lampung (UMALA), Indonesia
  • Muhammad Syaifullah Universitas Ma’arif Lampung (UMALA), Indonesia


Philological Approach, Islamic Studies


Philological is one of the approaches used in the process of studying Islam and other religions. The philological approach uses text and text as the object of the approach they focus on, even though currently the philological approach is not too trendy to do, this approach plays a very important role in intellectual progress throughout the world because the term philology itself comes from Greek and is applied for the first time by western researchers. Islamic Studies is a study of how Islamic education is taught to students and knows about Islamic history.


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How to Cite

Mukhtar, M., Sururi, R. . ., & Syaifullah, M. . (2023). Philological Approach in Islamic Studies. EJIP : Educational Journal of Innovation and Publication, 2(2), 152–158. Retrieved from