Pharmex: Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Clinical Pharmacy P-ISSN: XXXX-XXXX; E-ISSN: XXXX-XXXX is an official journal published by Yayasan Pendidikan dan Riset Excel Akademika which the articles can be accessed and downloaded online by the public (open access journal).
This journal is a peer-reviewed journal published three times a year on topics of excellence of research results in the fields of service and practice of pharmacy, community medicine, pharmaceutical technology, and health science disciplines that are closely related. This journal accepts English texts. The following are the research areas that this journal focuses on 1) Clinical Pharmacy; 2) Community Pharmacy; 3) Pharmaceutics; 4) Pharmaceutical Chemistry; 5) Pharmacognosy; 6) Phytochemistry; 7) Pharmacology; 8) Therapeutic.
Pharmex: Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Clinical Pharmacy receives manuscripts from the results of research (research article), systematic reviews, and meta-analyses that are closely related to the health sector, particularly the pharmaceutical field. Selected manuscripts for publication in this journal will be sent to two reviewers experts in their field, who are not affiliated with the same institution as the author(s) and are chosen based on the consideration of the editorial team. The review process is conducted in a closed manner where the author(s) and reviewers do not know the identity and affiliation of each. Each manuscript delegated to editorial members is examined for the final decision of the review process. The author(s) are required to respond to the review given and send revised manuscripts within the allotted time after the comments and suggestions from the reviewers have been sent. Manuscripts accepted for publication are edited copies checked for grammar, punctuation, print style, and format. The entire process of submitting the manuscripts to the final decision for publishing is done online.
Pharmex: Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Clinical Pharmacy indexed in DOAJ, Sinta, Dimensions, EBSCO, and others indexing so on. This journal has been accredited as an Xnd Grade Scientific Journal (Sinta ) by the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education of Indonesia since XX December 20XX.