International Journal of Health Education and Therapy (IJ-HET)
<p>International Journal of Health Education and Therapy (IJ-HET) is a scientific journal that contains research articles that focus on the development of sciences in the disciplines of education and health. IJ-HET Journal is for students, lecturers, teachers, and researchers who want to collaborate. IJ-HET Journal is published four times a year (January, April, September, and December) by Yayasan Pendidikan dan Riset Excel Akademika. All submitted manuscripts will be reviewed by the editor and then by reviewers according to their expertise.</p>Yayasan Pendidikan dan Riset Excel Akademikaen-USInternational Journal of Health Education and Therapy (IJ-HET) Socialization of Treatment Flow Procedures at the Clinic
<p><em>The clinic is a place to provide short-term medical services, for all people who suffer from illness or injury according to the illness they suffer. According to the Decree of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia No. 983 of 1992, the task of the Clinic is to carry out efficient and effective, harmonious, and integrated health efforts with efforts to improve and prevent and carry out referral efforts. The function of the clinic itself is a place to provide medical services, support services, and disease prevention services. However, based on the phenomenon that there are many people who do not know how to get treatment at the clinic. So it is important for the community to know the procedure for the treatment flow at the clinic so that the community can know the correct flow to get the services they need.</em></p>R. Sri Ayu IndrapuriLauren ElisabethParadilla Puspita SariNazla Nur AriyahVeni Suci VritamaZerry Supanda
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