International Journal of Social Sciences, Social Study and Humaniora (I-JOSSSSH)
<p>International Journal of Social Sciences, Social Study and Humaniora (I-JOSSSSH) is a scientific journal that contains research articles that focus on the development of sciences in the disciplines of social and humaniora. I-JOSSSSH is for students, lecturers, teachers, and researchers who want to collaborate. I-JOSSSSH is published twice a year (February and August) by Yayasan Pendidikan dan Riset Excel Akademika. All submitted manuscripts will be reviewed by the editor and then by reviewers according to their expertise.</p>Yayasan Pendidikan dan Riset Excel Akademikaen-USInternational Journal of Social Sciences, Social Study and Humaniora (I-JOSSSSH)Students’ Mathematical Thinking in Non-routine Mathematical Problems
<p>The goal of this study was to determine the mathematical thinking process of students in class VIII at SMP 3 Bengkulu City when solving non-routine math problems based on Pythagorean theorem material. The research method used in this study is qualitative field research. In the diagnostic tests that have been administered to students, the percentage of data obtained by high-ability students totaling 3 students is 14 percent, students with moderate abilities totaling 7 students are 33 percent, and 11 students with low ability are 53 percent. According to Mason, the flow of the mathematical thinking process by each research subject varies depending on the form of the problem based on the facts presented. Students include the entry, attack, and review phases in problem number one for high school students. Students cover the attack and review phases for moderate students. Students do not meet the phase in the thinking process that students have in low students. Students complete the entry and attack phases in problem number 2 for high school students. Students cover the entry and attack phases for moderate students. Students cover the entry phase for low students.</p>Betti Dian WahyuniMaryani MaryaniSukarno Sukarno
Copyright (c) 2023 International Journal of Social Sciences, Social Study and Humaniora (I-JOSSSSH)
2023-01-282023-01-2811124The Future of Accounting in Industrial Revolution 4.0 and Society 5.0
<p>Technological developments have supported all fields of knowledge, one of which is Accounting Information Systems. However, in the era of industry 4.0 and society 5.0 towards industry 5.0, the accounting world is required to be able to adapt to all the business that is happening at this time. The problem is how we deal with the disruption of the industrial revolution 4.0 and society 5.0 in the future, many jobs that can be done by humans are replaced by robots or technological systems that exist as accountants and auditors, accounting majors will also become unattractive and it will be eliminated in the future, so the challenge for us educators is to improve the quality of our students by increasing literacy regarding the world of finance and accounting, improving school infrastructure specifically in the field of accounting technology, providing space for students to show creativity in the field of accounting, especially in "controlling finance", and opened a mind site regarding accounting as a "universal business language", with educators conducting treatment to increase the knowledge of both the soft skills and hard skills of their students in accordance with the demands of the company.</p>Zerry SufandaR. Sri Ayu IndrapuriAnantasya Shinta YulianaShelly AngelaPebriza Helmi
Copyright (c) 2023 International Journal of Social Sciences, Social Study and Humaniora (I-JOSSSSH)