The Importance of Learning Hijaiyah Letters in Children


  • Muhammad Mukhtar Unversitas Ma’arif Lampung (UMALA), Indonesia
  • Ridwan Sururi Unversitas Ma’arif Lampung (UMALA), Indonesia
  • Siti Roudhotul Jannah Unversitas Ma’arif Lampung (UMALA), Indonesia


Early Childhood Education, Hijaiyah Letters, Efforts


Further investigation of language climate work in finding out how to read hijaiyah as a second language in (PAUD) is the heart of this paper. The depiction is centered mainly on Raudlatul Atfal (RA) students and the like in the 4-6 years age range. Hijaiyah learning for teenagers remains focused on children and the RA learning climate is very broad and multi-reasoning. besides the original language (Indonesia) can also be used to learn Arabic.


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How to Cite

Mukhtar, M., Sururi, R. ., & Jannah, S. R. . (2023). The Importance of Learning Hijaiyah Letters in Children. EJIP : Educational Journal of Innovation and Publication, 2(2), 123–127. Retrieved from